Friday, 11 December 2015

Flying in a Turbo Propeller

Turbo Proppeler

See More Videos about Flying without fear.

On the ground delays

Do you know the reasons of delays on the ground.

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About Flying without

To know about flying without fear -


Taxing for takeoff

Taxing for take off - Flying Withoout Fear.

Another safe take off

Captain taxis into take off Position

How to overcome your fear

This, and Premium are the biggest resources for fearful flyers anywhere on the internet. However you feel right now, please be confident that you can, and you will, overcome your fear of flying - because most people who do something about it, succeed. We'll get you flying ... that's our promise.

  • Don’t hope for a miracle cure because they don’t exist.
  • Don’t think that that suddenly one day something will just change, because it won’t.
  • Don’t keep delaying action in the hope that your fear will go away on its own, because it won’t.
  • See more...

    Top Tips for fearful flyers

    Have confidence that, despite all your feelings, flying is normal.
    Although you may not believe it, flying an airliner is NOT complicated or difficult.
    Flying and safety is most definitely NOT in the hands of chance or the Gods.
    To overcome your worries about flying you must have a plan.
    We have an action plan and strategy on this site.
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    Personal and expert help from Captain Keith


    Hi, if you're looking to overcome your fear of flying you've just come to the right place. This website will give you lots of valuable information to help you to address your fears. If you are happy with this site why not think about doing the on-line fear of flying course? It's cheaper than any of the airline courses available and you'll have enough money over to pay for a flight of your choice! - See more...

    Pre-take off check list

    Most important part of Flying - Pre-take off Check List.

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    Saturday, 14 November 2015

    Videos that will help you to overcome fear of flying

    De-bunk the myths and mis-understandings about flying. If your anxiety levels rise that’s good, because you can see that they will go up and then become steady … your anxiety levels will not keep increasing. Learn to get used to your feelings.Watch them once … watch them over and over again until you’re bored and so used to them that they’re ‘normal’ to you.With Premium you’ll have access to more than 60 videos designed to help you to overcome your fear of flying. 

    Captain Keith talks to you about all the things that fearful flyers worry about. Join and get support wherever you are, and wherever you travel to in the world. Premium has a special Flight Board feature where you can list your flight and we’ll give you support at regular intervals in the run up to your flight. Fellow  fearful flyers will be able to post encouraging tips to you, while  our experts will be available to help you with anything you need to know about.We have over 60 useful Video tips on Premium

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    Fear of Flying Support Network

    There are some amazing stories in the community,  people who would never have believed that they could fly, manage to get to Australia and back from the UK. People across the world take journeys they could only ever have dreamed of. 

    Some members who haven’t flown for more than 30 years regularly write in and report their latest holiday. Anyone, despite the level of their fear and however long they’ve had their fear, can be helped. It is a source of inspiration and encouragement that shouldn’t be missed.
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    Assess your fear of flying on the Premium Course

    This survey will show you the level of your fear compared with a sample of 4,000 other fearful flyers. You may find it useful to see what your level of fear is, compared to where you think you are. Many fearful flyers believe that their fear is higher than it is, and this makes them worry more than they really need to. But most importantly it provides a benchmark. The full survey is available on the Premium Fear of flying Course 
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    Fear of Flying psychology


    Once removed, make sure that you don’t re-install it by going back to old habits and thoughts. This is why getting the proper help, guidance  and support is so important. While you make your journey to overcome your fear,  your supporter should make sure that you avoid unhelpful thoughts and unreliable sources of information. We are here to support you. Remember these top tips about your fear of flying: 
    • Your fear is a normal human reaction.
    • Your fear can be controlled.
    • Your fear can be overcome.
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    Fear of flying Dictionary

    Click on the letter to see the definitions and explanations of words that you want to know about. There's nothing in here that will upset or surprise you. You can't expect to know the language of flying, and in aviation we sometimes use words differently from the way we use them in everyday life. So don't be reluctant to use this dictionary to help you to understand the world of aviation.
    Abnormal;  Something that is outside the normal operation of the aircraft but which does not constitute an immediate danger. 

    Aborted landing;  Correctly called a go around. The process where an aircraft climbs away after the decision has been taken not to land. 

    Acceleration height; The height at which the pilot reduces power and the rate of climb to accelerate and starts to retract the flaps.
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    We can fly in bad weather - Chillspace UK

    Bad weather at the airport

    So on a day when you’d have to leave the car in the garage and stay at home … the airlines continue operating, albeit in a limited way. That’s not to say that there aren’t some long delays … of course there are but it takes time to clear a runway of snow, and when it’s foggy planes can’t land as frequently … but they are  still flying. Things slow down, but they don’t grind to a halt like they do on the roads.Top Tips about weather:
    • A plane cannot land or take off if the visibility or wind is outside (see our Premium Course for information).
    • A plane cannot make an approach to land if the weather (see our Premium Course for information)
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    Fear of Flying Near Thunderstorms


    During the day, the air is heated by the ground and rises. This air mass continues to rise until it is as cool as the surrounding air; when it reaches this level the moisture in the air is released and forms a cloud.
    Curiously though under some circumstances the cloud can actually stay warmer than the surrounding air and so it continues to rise. When this happens a thunderstorm can occur. - See more...

    Turbulence for fearful flyers


    If you worry about turbulence, you are not alone. It's often compared with driving over a bumpy road, but the difference is that you are travelling ten times as fast in a plane ... so the bumps are going to feel a lot worse. - See more...

    Flying a plane in turbulence is much easier than you imagine

    The captain of your plane will have checked all the weather maps and forecasts for the route. Areas of turbulence are marked on the map including areas of CAT. It is unusual to make significant route changes to avoid turbulence.

    • It is not any harder to fly a plane in turbulence than in normal conditions.
    • We reduce speed very slightly … a matter of 5 or 10 miles per hour at high altitude.

    Flying a plane in cross-winds

    A slight wind from the pilot's right

    Cross-winds are like currents and tides in rivers, seas and oceans

    But you never hear that a boat is dealing with a cross-tide! It's just accepted that the water in a river or in the sea isn't always moving in the same direction that a boat wants to travel. So ... if you have a fear of flying, this page about cross-winds will help you to realise that to the planes and pilots it's all very easy. Go to the weather page to find out more about winds and how they occur.
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    Movements of the Plane

    Movements of the plane explained for fearful flyers

    The movements that you feel in a plane are not necessarily what the plane is doing. What you think the plane is doing is confused by the changes of speeds, the accelerations of the plane and the change of nose position. Although the sensations may make you more anxious there is nothing to worry about. It is not because you are fearful that you get those  'wobbly' feelings ... everyone does.
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    Saturday, 10 October 2015

    Wonderful experience after bought 4 disc CD set of flying course

    50 Years without Flying and then …

    I had not flown for nearly 50, yes 50 years, after a bad experience.
    I bought your 4 Disc CD set some years ago and it completely cured my fear of flying.
    I have flown nearly thirty times over the past 4 years including several times to Barra on a Twin Otter from Glasgow and several times to Rome, Tenerife etc.
    I also have taken flying lessons , including a flight in a microlight.
    No fear whatsoever thanks to your excellent CD.

    The personal fear of flying course

    I never ask people for testimonials and neither do I take’ before and after’ videos. To me, helping people to overcome their fear of flying is a private contract between me and my customers. Some people may want to keep their fears private and not advertise to friends and workmates this part of their life.
    Nothing would promote this course more than smiling faces telling the world how wonderful they feel and how they now plan to see the world. But that’s not our style, we’ll leave the bragging to the big brands.

    The website, Forum and on-line course of Flying

    When I started the website over thirteen  years ago it was called scared of
    We were the first website helping fearful flyers to post videos and we were the first to have extensive,  free help.  It ran into over 150 pages of information. We were so successful that most of what we did was copied*. Unfortunately for our competitors just para phrasing and reworking sentences doesn’t work. A statement of fact is a statement of fact but to help a fearful flyer it has to be in context, it shouldn’t be dumbed down and it should be free of mis interpretation.

    Human Factors and aviation safety

    This evening an independent UK television channel broadcast an interesting and generally accurate programme about the crash of a British European Airways Trident aircraft at London Heathrow in the early1970′s.
    At the time of the crash I was a co-pilot with the company flying out of Scotland. As an experienced pilot I was allowed to fly a two pilot aircraft even though it was less sophisticated than the modern Trident jet that crashed. To compensate for the lower experience levels of the jet co-pilots, the trident carried two co-pilots. Well known to those of us in the airline at the time was the fact that there had been a  very very heated argument in the crew room in London before crash. The argument involved the Captain of the ill fated flight.

    Fear of flying courses help to overcome your fear of flying and its associated websites has always maintained the principle of factually correct and unambiguous information to help fearful flyers. We strive to use language and descriptions that is consistent with those values and also explains aspects of aviation in a way that helps fearful flyers to overcome their fears.
      The descriptions and eye witness accounts of the crash of the 1960′s fighter jet at a flying display are the opposite of what we try to do. It is inevitable that witnesses to an accident of any type are likely to be in a state of shock and their recall of events is going to be influenced by ignorance, emotion and the the views of other witnesses.

    How to Overcome your Fear of Flying

    This, and Premium are the biggest resources for fearful flyers anywhere on the internet. However you feel right now, please be confident that you can, and you will, overcome your fear of flying - because most people who do something about it, succeed. We'll get you flying ... that's our promise.

    1. Don’t hope for a miracle cure because they don’t exist.
    2. Don’t think that that suddenly one day something will just change, because it won’t.
    3. Don’t keep delaying action in the hope that your fear will go away on its own, because it won’t.
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    Gallary to Learn Why Flying is Far Far Safer than you think

    Click on the pictures reveal information about the photo and help you understand more fully about why flying is the safest form of travel.

    You will find over 100 pictures like these on the Premium On-Line course
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    Wednesday, 9 September 2015

    Fear of flying Blog helpful to fearful flyers

    It seems that there has been nothing of great importance in the last few months that has been of significance to fearful flyers.
    As a result this blog has been rather quiet. With the introduction of the new on line course our attention has been focussed on the glitches that occur on any new website. However much we have tried to make the experience problem free, there have been some unexpected out turns.
    Until the next time we’re confident that the site is running as we planned.
    For those of you that aren’t familiar with the on line course, here are a few details.

    The website, Forum and on-line course - Flying without Fear

    Screen Shot 2015-08-10 at 15.44.28

    When I started the website over thirteen  years ago it was called scared of
    We were the first website helping fearful flyers to post videos and we were the first to have extensive,  free help.  It ran into over 150 pages of information. We were so successful that most of what we did was copied*. Unfortunately for our competitors just para phrasing and reworking sentences doesn’t work. A statement of fact is a statement of fact but to help a fearful flyer it has to be in context, it shouldn’t be dumbed down and it should be free of mis interpretation.

    Human Factors and aviation safety

    This evening an independent UK television channel broadcast an interesting and generally accurate programme about the crash of a British European Airways Trident aircraft at London Heathrow in the early1970′s.
    At the time of the crash I was a co-pilot with the company flying out of Scotland. As an experienced pilot I was allowed to fly a two pilot aircraft even though it was less sophisticated than the modern Trident jet that crashed. To compensate for the lower experience levels of the jet co-pilots, the trident carried two co-pilots. Well known to those of us in the airline at the time was the fact that there had been a  very very heated argument in the crew room in London before crash. The argument involved the Captain of the ill fated flight.

    Air Show Crash Shoreham UK and its associated websites has always maintained the principle of factually correct and unambiguous information to help fearful flyers. We strive to use language and descriptions that is consistent with those values and also explains aspects of aviation in a way that helps fearful flyers to overcome their fears.
      The descriptions and eye witness accounts of the crash of the 1960′s fighter jet at a flying display are the opposite of what we try to do. It is inevitable that witnesses to an accident of any type are likely to be in a state of shock and their recall of events is going to be influenced by ignorance, emotion and the the views of other witnesses.
    There was an experiment many years ago where air accident investigators were taken on a boat trip and by chance during their excursion witnessed the ‘antics’ of an aeroplane which flew near them. Some of those on board were subsequently told that the plane had crashed while others were just told that it had landed safely. Despite the fact that they were all qualified air accident investigators their reports were wildly different.

    The personal fear of flying course

    I never ask people for testimonials and neither do I take’ before and after’ videos. To me, helping people to overcome their fear of flying is a private contract between me and my customers. Some people may want to keep their fears private and not advertise to friends and workmates this part of their life.
    Nothing would promote this course more than smiling faces telling the world how wonderful they feel and how they now plan to see the world. But that’s not our style, we’ll leave the bragging to the big brands.

    Trains, planes, the Great Barrier Reef and Woodstock

    It was a bank holiday and we took the grandchildren on an old steam railway train. With my new f2.8 super dooper lens I rattled off dozens of pictures.
    It was as I was taking this shot that it occurred to me that there is a lot in common with trains planes and a fear of flying. It was said that in the early days of the train sceptics  worried that travelling at such speeds (faster than a horse could run) would upset the brain and cause the eyes to bleed. We can laugh now, but  without evidence to the contrary why should anyone not have believed the critics?

    Monday, 8 June 2015

    100,000 flights each day! (2014)

    Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) released Aviation Benefits Beyond Borders, a detailed report on the aviation industry, in April 2014.
    The report shows that there are 37.4 million flights scheduled in 2014! That is up 2.7% from 2013. And it means an average of 102,465 flights per day.

    50 Years without Flying and then...

    I had not flown for nearly 50, yes 50 years, after a bad experience.
    I bought your 4 Disc CD set some years ago and it completely cured my fear of flying.
    I have flown nearly thirty times over the past 4 years including several times to Barra on a Twin Otter from Glasgow and several times to Rome, Tenerife etc.
    I also have taken flying lessons , including a flight in a microlight.
    No fear whatsoever thanks to your excellent CD.

    Safety Briefing

    Maybe it’s because I saw a very nasty accident when I was 20, over 50 years ago now.
    Ever since then I have been almost obsessive about safety. Although I was happy to fly between trees in my Tiger Moth, happy to do low aerobatics over a girl’s house, I always considered the risks and took them into account.
    Safety is no accident. Safety isn’t the result of just being careful, it’s the result of many many strands and threads of behaviour.

    Wednesday, 20 May 2015

    On-line Fear of Flying Course

    There’s nothing worse than promising to do something and not fulfilling that promise.
    Somewhat embarrassingly I’ve been promising to make  the new on line course available for a while now and at each moment of the launch we’ve been faced with the dilemmas of correcting a small problem, upgrading the site or adding a feature that will improve the navigation of the site.
    With nearly a hundred articles and hours of video, presentations and audio files to navigate through we want the user experience to be good from the  first page you look at.

    We’ll get you flying … that’s our promise

    Junes says
    He sure will! I’ve recently returned from my second trip to Australia flying on my own! Absolutely fantastic man who is always there for you, to support you, and help YOU work through your fears and find a strategy that works for YOU. Keith doesn’t do a ‘one size fits all’ approach he really does help you address whatever it is about flying that scares you and gets you on that plane! 

    Melissa says
    You not only got me flying, but actually enjoying flying! I never thought it possible and I will always be grateful to you. It has changed my life.

    A New Book

    Someone in my family bought me an early Christmas present. It is the story of the airfield where I learnt to fly and where I first instructed.
    There’s a ‘poem’  on page 77 telling the tale of a young pilot and  a new aeroplane. Unfortunately the plane was called a  Condor and so, Keith and the Condor was inevitably the title.