Tuesday, 9 September 2014


What you call emergencies are not what I'd call emergencies

The most important thing to know about flying is that it  is amazingly routine. In a normal career a pilot won't face more than a few minor technical hiccups. Very few experience engine problems and even fewer face 'Emergencies'. However what you describe as an emergency, would now be described by the crew as a non-normal procedure.
Non normals, not emergencies
Non normals, not emergencies
Fearful flyers imagine that flying a plane is difficult, even under normal conditions ...read more about this on our on-line fear of flying course at Premium 
From the start of a pilot's career the idea of flying a plane according to the laid down procedures is emphasised, it is, after all the safest way to fly a plane. The checklists and procedures are the result of all the operators' experiences on that plane, collected and promulgated by the manufacturer.
The most testing time for a pilot is when multiple failures occur, these ... read more on fear of flying premium. The question that I am most frequently asked on this subject is: Can a plane take off if an engine stops?
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Fear of flying About Automatic pilots

Automatic pilots can fly planes more accurately than humans can

Do you have a fear of flying and worry about how safe the plane is? Do you worry about things like automatic pilots? You'll be please to know that modern automatic pilots can fly a plane more accurately and more consistently than any human pilot can. But autopilots can't think, so there'll always be a pilot on your plane for the foreseeable future.
Shallow fog means using the automatic pilot
Shallow fog means using the automatic pilot
Even on a bright sunny day, fearful flyers imagine that a plane is balanced on a knife edge when it's flying. On cloudy days they are ready to  go into panic mode about the extra dangers they imagine. Imagine such a situation and then leaving it all to a computer!
But the fact is is that flying is straightforward, it requires skills, special skills but no more than any other job. Before I explain what autopilots do I need to explain what the real pilots do.
Unfortunately Hollywood has done pilots no favours by suggesting that we're all like the fighter pilot in films like Top Gun. They portray pilots as steely-eyed super heroes whereas pilots are just people who fly planes. Sure some pilots are different from others but then so are train drivers or accountants.
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Directions and Information about the course

Here is some information about the fear of flying course you have booked.

The first thing we want you to know is that you’ll enjoy the day and we’ll do our very best to make you feel comfortable and relaxed for the whole day. We will not spring any surprises on you and we certainly won’t make you feel any worse than you do now. Indeed we’ll make you feel a whole lot better...if you don’t leave us smiling then you’ll be an exception to most ’passengers’.

The purpose of the course is to help you to find a strategy for dealing with your fear of flying and so the course is designed around your needs.

The day belongs to you so we’ll do the things that are important to you and we will also cover the things that are a cause of worry to most fearful flyers. We’ll show you some simple breathing, relaxation, visualisation and thought stopping exercises that will help you to address your fears. We will dissuade you from ‘hoping’ and ‘wishing’ and encourage you to be realistic in your thinking.
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Difficult airports

There are no such places as difficult or dangerous airports

Let's deal with the frequently asked question, "Are some airports more difficult  than others to land at?" And the answer is no,  there are no such airports. To the question "Do some airports have restrictions on their use?" The answer is "Yes". When there are restrictions and limitations at an airport, pilots have to either watch a video or visit the airport under supervision.
But that doesn't make them difficult and ... see Premium on line for more help and useful information  There is no point in my telling you things that aren't true, because that would discredit everything on this site.
Before an airline can operate with fare paying passengers it has to meet all sorts of requirements regarding the legality and safety of its method of operating. Clearly a small charter company, operating between small airports, would have different requirements compared with an international airline, but that doesn't mean that the standards are lower.
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Cabin Crew

Cabin crew are on board to help you, don't watch their faces for signs!

All  cabin crew have to meet certain educational standards and have to have a better than working knowledge of English, which is the language of aviation. Airlines, however will also set their own standards regarding fitness, educational and language requirements. The cabin crew are legally responsible to the Captain for the safety of the cabin and the passengers.
Highly trained members of the crew
Highly trained members of the crew
Passengers have to obey the legal instructions of the crew who act under the legal authority of the Captain.  Fortunately the days of seeing them as Trolley Dollies and airborne waitresses are long gone.
  • The cabin crew are responsible for the safety of the passengers
  • They are licensed crew members
  • They are highly trained and checked frequently
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Blind Flying

Blind Flying means flying on instruments ... that's all

Blind flying is one of those expressions that comes from the past. In the industry we don't use the expression anymore because what we do now is so normal that we don't describe it as anything other than what it is ... flying on instruments or even simpler ... instrument flying. Modern airline pilot training emphasises the need to 'manage ' a flight via the instruments and  management systems.
Instruments and management systems
Instruments and management systems
I'm often asked how I can see where I'm going in the dark or in cloud. Quite often fearful flyers are under the impression that if it's a clear day I can see where I'm going and navigate accordingly. This isn't unreasonable ... it's what we do in a car every day.
For more information on this subject see our on-line fear of flying premium Course
I'll spend a moment explaining why instrument flying was called blind flying. In the beginning flying .... premium
Unfortunately because of the forces involved and the way the human body is built (see here) it's not possible to fly a plane in cloud without something to show which way is up .... Premium ... however, you lowered the nose and the plane slowed down you knew you were upside down.
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Airport emergency services

Airport emergency services and what you should know

The only time most of us think about the 'safety' side of an airport is when we read or hear that a plane has made an un-scheduled landing and that the emergency services were in attendance. What does  mean in reality? In the old days a pilot could call for a fire engine or an ambulance to be available when he landed. The pilot could describe the problem and would suggest the sort of help he needed.
Fireman attending a fuel spillage
Fireman attending a fuel spillage
Modern regulations mean that if a pilot declares an emergency of any sort then all the services will attend. A commercial plane is only allowed to land at an airport that has the required amount of cover available. At airports where jumbo jet can land the fire, rescue and ambulance have to be at a higher level than at a small municipal airport.
Among their many duties the fire services are responsible for fuel spillages. If you see a fire engine near your plane don't be alarmed, their attendance is not an indication of danger. An aircraft reporting any problem with its braking system, tyres and wheels will always be accompanied to its parking place by a fire truck.
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Aircraft Systems

There are at least two back up systems for everything on a plane

All those noises, all those things and motors and pumps and instruments ... no wonder you have a fear of flying if you don't understand what it's all about! Here's a simple explanation ideally suited to a fearful flyer, who needs to understand enough to feel relaxed. An aircraft is like a house ... it needs things in it to make life comfortable,  but a plane has to take them along with it.
Aircraft systems are duplicated and triplicated
Aircraft systems are duplicated and triplicated
Fresh Air
The most important one from a physiological point of view is pressurisation, because we need to be able to breathe air to survive ... air is pumped into the cabin to supply enough oxygen at the right pressure for us to breathe. The pressurisation system in modern aircraft is very sophisticated compared with planes of the 80's and 90's. You shouldn't feel any change of pressure in the cabin with the possible exception of taking off and starting to descend. Modern systems are automatic and reliable.
After that we need to be comfortable so we need to be warm ... we do that in connection with the pressurisation system. As the air is pumped into the cabin it goes through a heat exchanger to warm it. The outside air temperature is about -65 Centigrade ...  so the air certainly needs warming!
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Despite what you think, you won't have flown through a thunderstorm.

Even though air regulations require pilots to remain at least 20 miles from storms, many anxious flyers will  still claim that they have flown in, or through a thunderstorm. This false belief is a major cause of a fear of flying and is one of the reasons that fearful flyers don't want to fly to hot destinations! Thunderstorms are like any other clouds that have been formed by local currents of rising warm air.
At least 20 nautical miles from storms
At least 20 nautical miles from storms
During the day, the air is heated by the ground and rises. This air mass continues to rise until it is as cool as the surrounding air; when it reaches this level the moisture in the air is released and forms a cloud. Curiously though under some circumstances the cloud can actually stay warmer than the surrounding air and so it continues to rise. When this happens a thunderstorm can occur.
A thunderstorm starts as an ordinary fluffy cloud but continues to develop rather than reaching a steady state at a lower height. The circumstances ... the weather radar in the cockpit will show the presence of thunderstorm activity from a distance ... which means that the pilots have at least ... minutes to plan navigating around them.
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About your fear of flying

We'll get you flying, that's our promise

However bad your fear is, we'll get you flying. You are not alone, and you will overcome  your fear  of flying. More than 40% of the travelling public are anxious about flying and 98% of fearful flyers overcome their fear. The chances are that you'll succeed, and this page is to show you that everything about your particular fear has been felt by someone else. You are not alone, and help is here for you.
We will help you overcome your fear of flying
We will help you fix your fear of flying
This  fear can cause a feeling of  mild anxiety before a flight, or can cause a state of terror and panic. Many fearful flyers are unable to even think of boarding a plane. In the worst cases, even a visit to an airport is impossible. Some fearful flyers can't look at pictures of planes. Do not worry about how bad you think your fear is, because you can overcome it.
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About our fear of flying products

We want you to be confident that when you buy from us you will be getting the best help available anywhere on the internet. Our products are designed to help you to overcome your fear of flying and are presented in a way that will guide and support you.

There is nothing in anything you buy here that will make you feel uncomfortable, in fact most people find the help not only useful but comforting as well. As an instructor and facilitator I know the importance of accurate descriptions and explanations. This is particularly important with fearful flyers, as you have probably read on this site most fearful flyers use emotive language when they describe their fears and their experiences.

We explain in simple but accurate ways all the things you need to know about overcoming your fears, this is in contrast to many fear of flying products which simplify in a way that does not build a firm foundation of knowlede. It is only effectively presented information that will normalise flying for you. Quite often an over simplistic explantion takes longer to give and is more difficult to understand than a more technically accurate satement.
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This is why our fear of flying course will get you flying

Do you want to fly with less worry? Do you want to be able to go on holiday without worrying about the flight? Do you want to be able to take a business trip, without making excuses not to go? Do you have friends and family living abroad that you want to visit?
Fear of flying course
Fear of flying
Our fear of flying course will help you to do those things.  If you have been searching the internet for a course that will help you to overcome your fear of flying then you will probably have seen everything from £10.00  miracle cures, to Harley Street specialists at £50.00 a minute. There are hypnotists, therapists, life coaches, airline courses and dozens more to choose from. But how can you be sure it will meet your needs to manage your fear, when you have to make a  choice based on a sales pitch or brand familiarity?
Our brand, and style, is here on this website ... this is the way we do things - we're open, honest, direct and treat you as an individual, a person with a fear of flying ... not as a customer.
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What are all those noises on board a plane?

What are all those noises on board a plane?

One of the reasons our  Fear of Flying Course is so effective in overcoming the fear of flying is that you have the chance to hear those worrying noises and sounds, over and over again until you get used to them. As you know, anyone who has a fear of flying is very sensitive to the sounds on board an aircraft.
It's also true to say that there are so many noises in the course of a flight that you can be forgiven for being alarmed. Because the sounds are unfamiliar and they occur unexpectedly, the anxious flyer will associate them with danger.
• Unfamiliar noises are perceived by humans as dangerous.
• Aircraft make noises that are unfamiliar to you (but not to the crew).
• Noises in flight are normal and are not dangerous.
Remember that as an anxious flyer you will always be in a state of heightened awareness, your senses will be tuned into everything that is going on.
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Successful Strategy to Overcome Your Fear of Flying

Let us help you to build a successful strategy to overcome your fear of flying

There are very few worthwhile things that can be achieved without a plan. Without a plan you don't know how you're doing compared with the  goal that you've set. I don't fly without a flight plan, and you wouldn't want me to ... now it's your turn to have one. You need a strategy to overcome your fear of flying. You must always remember that most people overcome their fear of flying.

Normalise flying because IT IS normal
Despite whatever you feel and however bad things may seem, you will overcome your fear if you stick at it. First, you have to know clearly what the nature of your fear is.
  • What actually causes the feelings of fear?
  • What are the thoughts that go on to make you react to being in a plane?
  • Why have previous attempts to overcome your fear failed?
To overcome your fear of flying you've got to have a plan.
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You won't overcome your fear of flying

You won't overcome your fear of flying if there's a question you need to have answered ... ask us your question now

Everyone who has a fear of flying has at least one question they need to ask, most have several, so here is your chance to ask Captain Keith your question. The answers are available by clicking the button at the bottom of the page.

Why are accurate answers important?
Couldn't I get these answers anywhere?
Why can you rely on the answers here?

So, please ask us your question..we're here to help you.

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About Flying without fear.com

We want to help you to realise your dreams of taking a holiday, visiting friends, taking promotion or just being more relaxed when you fly. 
The information here is unequalled on the internet, it is presented in a way that will help you to overcome your fear of flying. We want you to feel confident that we will do everything we can to support and guide you on your journey. 
We want your experience here to be one that you enjoy and that you'll remember. Our fear of flying community has almost 2500 members around the world and many stay in touch and give support when flights are being taken. If you like what we do please spread the word.
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A simple explanation of chance and probability

Which of these statements is true?
  1. The chances are you'll read the rest of this page ...
  2. You'll probably read the rest of this page or ...
  3. You'll possibly read the rest of this page ...
Which of them is accurate? What do they mean anyway?

I won't repeat what I've written in my book about these things but we'll talk about this subject in a different way. When we say ... the chances are that I'll play cards at the weekend, it means that it's more likely that I will play, than I won't play. If I say the chances are that I won't play cards at the weekend means that it's more than likely that I won't.
But whatever I say no-one would be surprised if I did or didn't, because I only said that the chances are ... and by that I invoke a whole set of social rules that allows anyone to put their own interpretation on whether I will turn up or not.
But neither of these outcomes is certain, and if the same behaviour happened over 150 years it is never a certainty, but it's getting more likely. What is a certainty is that I will or I won't turn up.  But that's a belief not a statistical fact. - See more...

Questions and Queries We've Had Recently

Here are some of the questions and queries we've had recently

On the premium site you'll find answers to over 400 questions. Call now on 01420 588 628 or email Captain Keith at flyingwithoutfear@yahoo.co.uk and register your interest for a 25% introductory discount on the normal price of £99.99

QUESTION Hi Guys, I'm scared of flying, BUT I reckon I'm a bit different to most 'scared of flying' people. In that, I must have flown hundreds of flights in my life, everywhere in the world. I've travelled since I was 20 years old on business, and I'm now 55. I've been on jumbos, short haul, little twin engine aircraft, all sorts. I've seen and been on every type of flight....smooth, bit rough, very rough; missed approaches, go-arounds, even on an emergency landing .

But I just cannot get my fear of flying from something I think is illogical, 'stupid' into a state where I know nothing's going to threaten my life whilst I'm up there! I think my problem stems from the fact that I'm a bit of a control freak, ie when I'm driving or whatever, and I need to know that the same people flying me are as committed to 'driving' me as safely as I would myself. -
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Overcome your fear of flying with our helpcasts

Helpcasts 1 - "Welcome Aboard" | Length: 3:07 mins |

The latest help, advice and insight from flyingwithoutfear.com for your fear of flying. Hosted by Captain Keith
Helpcasts 2 - "How Others Can Help" | Length: 3:39 mins |

Understand how talking and discussing your fear of flying with other people can give you support and assistance to go flying without fear.
Helpcasts 3 - "Coping Strategies" | Length: 5:22 mins |

Captain Keith discusses how you can develop your strategies to help you overcome your fear. Recognising that a fear of flying is not a weakness and that there are ways to help you deal with your fear. - See more...

Fear of flying Help Videos

Videos that will help you to overcome fear of flying


This sample video page is to help you to overcome your fear of flying. They will help you to understand and  'normalise'  flying.

De-bunk the myths and mis-understandings about flying. But don't just

If your anxiety levels rise that's good, because you can see that they will go up and then become steady ... your anxiety levels will not keep increasing. Learn to get used to your feelings.watch them once ... watch them over and over again until you're bored and so used to them that they're 'normal' to you. - See more...

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Success Stories from Happy Flyers

Here are some success stories from happy flyers we have helped in the past.
I have been flying for many years - since I was around 3 years old - I am now 27 and cannot ever remember being afraid of flying until I was around 19/20.

Suddenly, and it seemed to come from nowhere, I was afraid of flying ... and I mean REALLY afraid of flying!

Two weeks before I was due to fly I would have nightmares every night, all of which were centred around a plane crash. This would (obviously) only add to my anxieties as they would be at the forefront of my mind in the build up to the day of the flight.  The turning point for me was when I had to go on a business trip to Germany. The Flight was only 50 minutes long but I was in a real state. My Boss and my Husband were with me (as we work together) but nobody was allowed to talk to me.

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Fear of Flying Support Network


Join the biggest FREE support network for fearful flyers here

Our social support network brings together people from all over the world to share their experiences and feelings about their fears.
Sharing is a very effective way of dealing with a fear of flying. Firstly, it shows that no-one is alone with their fear,  secondly it shows that many people have the same worries about flying, and thirdly it shows that encouragement and support is a vital part of managing your fear.
There are some amazing stories in the community,  people who would never have believed that they could fly, manage to get to Australia and back from the UK.
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Developing your action plan to overcome your fear of flying

What you must do to overcome your fear of flying:
  1. Have an objective, aim or defined outcome to work towards.
  2. Find the facts to counteract the feelings.
  3. Clear your mind of doubts by finding out about how planes fly, for example.
  4. See how a supporter can help you.
  5. Join our Social Network for fearful flyers at LOGBOOK24/7
  6. Ask questions.
Premium will  help you by:
  1. Giving you access to hundreds of articles about the fear of flying.
  2. Providing you with techniques and strategies
  3. Encouraging your commitment.
  4. Answering  your questions.
  5. Giving you continued support.
This action plan is used on our Fear of Flying Ground Course.
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Top Tips for fearful flyers


  • Have confidence that, despite all your feelings, flying is normal.
  • Although you may not believe it,  flying an airliner  is NOT complicated or difficult.
  • Flying and safety is most definitely NOT in the hands of chance or the Gods.
  • To overcome your worries about flying you must have a plan.
  • We have suggested an action plan  and strategy on this site.
  • Flying is safe because of the laws of physics and gravity.
  • Remember, flying is much safer than you think.
  • - See more...

    Why you will succeed with Premium

    There are sites that offer an immediate cure ... but can't ... and others that say there's only one way to overcome your fear ... their way ... and sites that talk as if they know ... but don't ... and there are the big impersonal brands ... and their profits.
    But we promise to get you flying, and here are the reasons  you'll succeed when you sign up to 'Premium'.
    • Because overcoming your fear of flying is a journey ... not an event.  And we're here  for your journey, not profit.
    • Because you are an individual to us ... not one of a crowd. Our fear of flying courses are limited to four people at a time.
    • Because we know your name ... not the booking reference.
    • Because we'll get you flying ... that's our promise.
    • Because Premium is a personal course ... even though it's on-line.
    • Because  we deal in facts, not gimmicks.  You have to face your fear, no-one but you can do that.
    • Because we care about helping you to overcome your fear.
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    Assess your fear of flying

    Assess your fear of flying with this survey

    This survey will show you the level of your fear compared with a sample of 4,000 other fearful flyers. You may find it useful to see what your level of fear is, compared to where you think you are. Many fearful flyers believe that their fear is higher than it is, and this makes them worry more than they really need to. But most importantly it provides a benchmark. You know where you are and therefore you can see when you are managing your fears. There are other surveys but we feel that this is more than adequate for most people. We hope that you find it valuable in helping you to address your fear.
    The 46 items below refer to experiences which may or may not cause fear or apprehension. On a piece of paper list the numbers 1 to 46.

    Beside each item number, mark the number which most accurately describes how frightened or anxious thinking of the item makes you feel. - See more...

    Common fears

    Fear of flying common fears

    Read about your fears here ... these are common fears that fearful flyers have

    Here are some explanations of the things that cause most concern to fearful flyers. I hope that  you feel more confident after you have read about them. We're starting with the one that everybody mentions, and that is turbulence.If you are anxious about turbulence then you are not alone, and that's why we've listed it first. Even experienced travellers dislike the sensations involved! - See more...

    An overview of Flying for Fearful Flyers from Captain Keith

    Flying is a subject that is normally surrounded in mystery. Flying is a normal thing to do for many people. I hope that everything on this site will help to normalise flying for you.  There's no doubt that it will be beneficial for you to understand the circumstances in which commercial planes operate. So what I'm going to do on this page is explain how I see flying ... the things that I have taken for granted from the moment I started flying, up until this very moment.

    The site you can trust
    Let me start though, by saying how I think you see flying. You probably see it as a risky environment where a lot of things are left to chance, or if not left to chance, surrounded by such unpredictable circumstances that it might as well all be left to chance. That is not true, nothing is ever left to chance. Flying is not balanced on a knife edge ... flying is normal. - See more...

    Personal and expert help from Captain Keith

    Fear of flying 

    Thank you for coming to the world's biggest help resource for fearful flyers. Captain Keith has been involved in aviation for over 53 years. Those who know him professionally will vouch for his innovative style, his complete dedication and his extensive knowledge, not only of flying but of psychology and human behaviour. You will find Keith very willing to help you with any of your problems concerned with the fear of flying, so do not hesitate to call him or email him. - See more...

    Turbulence for fearful flyers

    Turbulence in flight 

    If you worry about turbulence, you are not alone. Even experienced travellers can get upset and alarmed by it. Turbulence isn't dangerous if you're securely strapped in but it can feel very uncomfortable.  It's often compared with driving over a bumpy road, but the difference is that you are travelling ten times as fast in a plane ... so the bumps are going to feel a lot worse.
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    Monday, 28 July 2014

    Pilot Training

    You don't have to be special to fly a plane ... just cautious and sensible

    Pilot training is the most comprehensive training that any professional person will experience. As you might expect, the selection criteria are formidable, but this is not a reflection of the difficulty of the job, but rather the numbers of candidates for so few vacancies. Most would-be pilots hold a degree and many qualify in other professions before becoming pilots. For those who find a job it's the best career in the world.

    Pilot training

    International standards require pilots to be at least 21 before holding a Captains licence, although no-one ever takes command with this licence unless they also have thousands of hours flying experience as well.
    After selection, a pilot will progress through more junior licences and become qualified to fly multi-engine planes, to fly at night, to fly on instruments and to be able to operate a plane in the controlled airspace that airliners fly in. The highest licence, the Airline Transport Pilots License will allow its holder to be a captain of a flight carrying fare paying passengers on aircraft of a certain size.
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    Turbulence for fearful flyers

    If you worry about turbulence, you are not alone. Even experienced travellers can get upset and alarmed by it. Turbulence isn't dangerous if you're securely strapped in but it can feel very uncomfortable.  It's often compared with driving over a bumpy road, but the difference is that you are travelling ten times as fast in a plane ... so the bumps are going to feel a lot worse.
    Turbulence in flight
    Turbulence in flight

    You can read about the movements of a plane here. The weather that causes it is explained elsewhere on this site, but it's always worth reminding you that it is the movement and collisions of air streams that cause the bumps. The obvious comparison is with the meeting of rivers where currents and eddies form as the rivers meet. The on line course will explain in greater detail why turbulence occurs and why it isn't dangerous. The pilots will have weather maps showing areas of turbulence and will plan to avoid the areas concerned when possible. Despite what you think you may have experienced, pilots are not allowed to fly closer than a certain distance from the centre of a thunderstorm.
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    About noises on board

    What are all those noises on board a plane?

    One of the reasons our  Fear of Flying Course is so effective in overcoming the fear of flying is that you have the chance to hear those worrying noises and sounds, over and over again until you get used to them. As you know, anyone who has a fear of flying is very sensitive to the sounds on board an aircraft.
    It's also true to say that there are so many noises in the course of a flight that you can be forgiven for being alarmed. Because the sounds are unfamiliar and they occur unexpectedly, the anxious flyer will associate them with danger.
    • Unfamiliar noises are perceived by humans as dangerous.
    • Aircraft make noises that are unfamiliar to you (but not to the crew).
    • Noises in flight are normal and are not dangerous.
    Remember that as an anxious flyer you will always be in a state of heightened awareness, your senses will be tuned into everything that is going on. It's hardly surprising that the noises on board will seem to be exaggerated. You should always try to remember that the noises are appropriate to what is going on during that particular stage of  your flight.
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    Air Traffic Control

    The job of Air Traffic Control is to keep aircraft away from each other

    In the same way that there are myths about flying, there are also myths about ATC. The biggest one is that they can talk aircraft down to a safe landing. That is not the role or responsibility of ATC. The captain of the plane is responsible for the flight but has to obey ATC instructions if his/her plane is operating under those rules. A controller  instructs a pilot to fly at a certain height or speed and direction but it is up to the pilot to do it.

    Air Traffic Controller 

    However the captain is required by law to follow those directions unless doing so would put the plane, passengers and crew at risk.  It is important to know this because it fits in with all the other myths about what ATC can and cannot do.  ATC just issue instructions to keep aircraft away from each other while they are travelling between airports. That is the 'control' part of their name. They do not 'control' the plane itself. They are unable to talk planes down. - See more...

    Aircraft engineers

    Aircraft engineers ... the most dedicated group of people you'll ever find

    Of all the enthusiasts in aviation, the engineers are probably the most devoted to their jobs. Who else would want to work and enjoy working, in the cold or rain? And yet in all my years in aviation I never met one engineer who ever complained about working on a plane. And often you'll find them giving their expertise to private pilots or the restoration of old aircraft on their days off.
    Engineers are responsible for the airworthiness of an aircraft. That is to say that their routine inspections before and after flights is an integral part of the design and operational philosophy of an aircraft. But if you see an engineer working on your aircraft just before flight, rather than say to yourself  "What's wrong?"  say to yourself  - "'I'm glad they're keeping my aircraft in perfect  condition". When a component has to be checked or replaced at least two engineers are involved.
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    Flying a jet airliner

    Flying a jet airliner is easier than you think

    There are a couple of expressions we use in English to suggest that something is not difficult; we say it's not rocket science or we say it's not brain surgery. I want to show you that flying a jet aircraft is easier than you think.  If you start with the thought that something is difficult, it must mean that it's ten times more difficult to do if something goes wrong.

    Fear of flying jet airliner

    If you believe it's complicated as well as difficult then you might describe it as potentially dangerous. If you're anxious about it all, then it will be seen as dangerous. We need to dispel those myths so that you see flying for what it is ... normal. Many people feed their fear of flying because they think that flying a jet plane is difficult and demanding. By understanding it you'll see that it doesn't hold as many fears as you believe. - See more...

    Movements of the plane

    Movements of the plane explained for fearful flyers

    The movements that you feel in a plane are not necessarily what the plane is doing. What you think the plane is doing is confused by the changes of speeds, the accelerations of the plane and the change of nose position. Although the sensations may make you more anxious there is nothing to worry about. It is not because you are fearful that you get those  'wobbly' feelings ... everyone does.


    In fact one of the first things we teach new pilots when they learn to fly by instruments is to ignore any feelings they have about the plane's movements. If they think the plane is turning left, ignore it. If they think the plane is going up, ignore it. Everything about the plane's movements that the pilot needs to know is shown on the instruments ... everything else is wrong.  Here's why... - See more...

    Weather for fearful flyers

    Here's why you shouldn't be worried about the weather

    Weather for fearful flyers... the first thing that you have to remember about the weather is that contrary to what you'd think ... the weather has less influence on a plane, than on road traffic. Paradoxically, it's because we can fly in bad weather that we suffer delays. It's easy to get a plane on and off the ground ... the problem is getting the pasengers to and from the plane and airport.

    Bad weather at the airport 

    So on a day when you'd have to leave the car in the garage and stay at home ... the airlines continue operating, albeit in a limited way. That's not to say that there aren't some long delays ... of course there are but it takes time to clear a runway of snow, and when it's foggy planes can't land as frequently ... but they are  still flying. Things slow down, but they don't grind to a halt like they do on the roads.
    Top Tips about weather:
    • A plane cannot land or take off if the visibility or wind is outside the prescribed limits.
    - See more...

    Thursday, 10 July 2014

    In Flight Guide – £5

    In Flight Guide – £5 

    The Perfect Travelling Companion for You

    Carry Captain Keith’s calmness, confidence and control with you all the way

    “Relax” is the perfect pocket size guide to give you immediate support – when you need it most – with pages and pages of great tips for when you are packing, when you reach the airport and when you are on board your flight.

    Perhaps you’ve been on our course; maybe you’ve read our book. And now it’s time to put it all into practice. But we know that this is the time when you need us most. “Relax” is there, supporting you, even at times when you don’t have your book to hand or can’t turn on your audio player.“Relax” is structured so that you can get to the advice you need fast. From the moment you book your flight, “Relax” will be your perfect companion, talking about what you are experiencing and advising you on ways to be in the best possible shape for your flight.

    - See more...

    Fly without Fear Book – £14.99

    Fly without Fear Book – £14.99 

    Get all of Captain Keith’s lifetime of experience and advice in one updated volume

    Learning to fly without fear can be a “light bulb moment” for some, a longer journey for others.  Whatever the nature of your fear of flying, having the right information, logically structured, cogently presented and expertly written, at your fingertips, can make all the difference.

    Now, Captain Keith Godfrey and Dr. Alison Smith have brought together their three volumes of information, experience, advice and help in one convenient, updated volume.  It is there to reiterate and remind, to reassure and relax.

    - See more...

    4 CD Help Set – £24.99

    4 CD Help Set – £24.99 

    An experience of flying you will actually enjoy.

    Our unique four CD set includes all the sound effects of flight and a calming commentary with explanations that will make you laugh.
    Experience a take-off and landing. Find out exactly what you need to know at every moment in a flight. Enjoy hearing the answers to questions you hadn’t dared ask.

    Do you want to overcome your fear of flying? Hundreds of people have overcome theirs with this comprehensive four CD course, because it:

    • Allows you to experience a virtual flight in a relaxed, enjoyable way
    • Is comprehensive yet concise – every explanation covers exactly what you need to know, when you need to know it
    • Includes sound effects, so you'll hear the wheels and flaps , you'll hear the engines starting and you'll even hear a commentary from the flight
    - See more...

    Fear of Flying Ground Courses – £175

    Fear of Flying Ground Courses – £175 

     Price: £175.00 

    Overcome your fear of flying, book a fear of flying course today and take that vital first step.

    Personalised, piloted, pleasurable, practical and proven – our fear of flying courses have helped hundreds of fearful flyers take to the skies with confidence.

    Facilitated by a very experienced and understanding airline pilot, and set near The Departure Lounge cafe, our aircraft cabin, our maximum of five-delegate-only courses feature maximum one-to-one attention and provides an enjoyable and relaxed atmosphere. Most of all, our fear of flying courses work!
    What is your fear of flying stopping you from doing? Visiting family abroad? Taking that dream holiday? Perhaps even getting promotion at work?

    You have a world to gain, and nothing to lose.

    - See more...

    Your Personal One to One Ground Course

    Your Personal One to One Ground Course – £225 

    Overcome your fear of flying, book a one to one fear of flying course today and take that vital first step.

    Price: £225.00 

    Personalised, piloted, pleasurable, practical and proven – our one to one fear of flying courses have helped hundreds of fearful flyers take to the skies with confidence.

    Facilitated by a very experienced and understanding airline pilot, and set near The Departure Lounge  cafe, our aircraft cabin, our maximum of  five-delegate-only courses feature maximum one to one attention  and provides an enjoyable and relaxed atmosphere. Most of all, our one to one fear of flying courses work!

    What is your fear of flying stopping you from doing? Visiting family abroad? Taking that dream holiday? Perhaps even getting promotion at work?

    You have a world to gain, and nothing to lose.

    - See more...

    Monday, 19 May 2014

    Day two at the World Conference

    I met a whole bunch of great guys today.

    I’ve fixed a link with Glenda down in Australia to look after Phoebe when she gets down there.


    International Civil Aviation Organisation

    Two ladies from Portugal are going to translate my book. A guy called L is giving me a few ideas about helping fearful travellers.
    I was talking to a reporter from the Ottowa Citizen newspaper about the fear of flying for an article and it turned out that she has a fear of flying so when Janice joins us on the forum let’s give her a warm welcome.
    Everyone here represent people who actually want to help people to deal with their fear of flying. There are definately some good facilities/providers who couldn’t make it here but it’s good to see all these premier providers making the effort to structure and facilitate help for nervous flyers.

    World Fear of Flying Conference

    Hi Everyone just to let you know how the conference is going.

    Lot of knowledgable people here when it comes to fear of flying.

    International Civil Aviation Organisation

    There’s a view that the airlines don’t really do enough for anxious passengers. That message is going to be passed on to ICAO as part of a policy proposal. Certainly the impression I’m getting is that something needs to be done.
    I’m asking questions of all the leading players here so I hope the quality of my advice will improve. Around the world there seems to be mixed opinions as to what is the best treatment.

    Flight from Heathrow to Montreal and back

    For anyone who is normally anxious about turbulence

    …you should have been on the transatlantic crossing with me yesterday. (and then on the trip back again)





    Absolutely perfect all the way. Not a ripple. I hope that gives encouragement to anyone who thinks that there’s turbulence everytime a plane gets airborne.

    Outstanding safety record endorsed.

    We get all sorts of people taking an interest in our products so it was very nice to receive this note out of the blue.

    This book  explains the safety features and emergency procedures of modern passenger aircraft while answering many frequently asked questions. They also put into context the outstanding safety record of today’s aviation. By so doing, this book and the CD Set may well help some people to overcome their fear of flying”


    Getting around the web site


    A few months ago when we launched this new site we planned on some features that would make it helpful to visitors.

    We had no idea that it would blossom in the way that it has.

    We are getting thousands of visitors and some super comments about the site.
    Each day we get closer to developing the site in a way that we think will help people who have a fear of flying to find a way of dealing with it. So far we’re the only web site that has video help  audio helpcasts information about fear, weather, strategies and loads more, but we notice from our statistics that visitors seem to stop searching the site as soon as they’ve found the things they need to know.
    There is an amazing amount of help on the site and I wonder if visitors are reluctant to look everywhere just in case they think they might find something they didn’t want to see.
    Let me assure you that every single bit of information on the site is user friendly there is nothing that will upset you or make things worse…so please explore and build your confidence.
    The podcasts and free helpcasts are like the rest of the site … designed to help you find your way of dealing with your anxieties. So please tune in to them.

    Thursday, 17 April 2014

    Aviation technology

    Aviation technology

    While I was waiting for my Pilot trainees to arrive today, I had time to read an article in Flight International.

    New engine

    It was about a technology that was being developed to detect the turbulence generated by other aircraft.

    I never cease to be amazed at how technology makes aviation safer by the day by designing features on aircraft that could only have been dreams a few years ago.


    About flyingwithoutfear.com

    About flyingwithoutfear.com

    Our first site Scaredofflying.com, started life with a telephone call,

     a friend needed some reassurance about flying before going on holiday.

    The call lasted two hours, during which time several other people joined in to ask their own questions.
    Following this call I received a lengthy e-mail with more questions to help the individual understand and ultimately overcome their fear of flying. This experience led me to the idea of the book ‘Flying without Fear’ which has been Amazon’s best seller in the genre for over three years, and looks likely to stay there.
    Since then we have developed several products to help you and other anxious flyers to overcome your fear of flying. And now we have developed www.flyingwithoutfear.com to help you overcome your fear of flying.
    If you have a fear of flying our Fear of flying help Books, cd’s and more will help you overcome your fear of flying, includes fear of flying podcasts, information about weather, turbulence and many other areas to help you overcome your fear of flying.


    Speech at the World Fear of Flying Conference

    Speech at the World Fear of Flying Conference

    Extract from Captain Keith Godfrey’s speech at World Fear of Flying Conference hosted by ICAO in Montreal, Canada.

    The use of pilot training skills in the support of anxious passengers.

    Good afternoon and may I thank the organisers for this opportunity to speak at the conference. Because I’m a pilot I’m naturally enthusiastic about all pilots being involved in helping passengers who are anxious about flying. I am sure that their modern training skills can be applied very effectively for this reason.
    There is I believe a direct comparison between Cognitive behavioural therapy and modern airline pilot training methods and, though I have no clinical training, from the reading that I have done, in particular from the Psychological Perspectives on Fear of Flying the two processes seem, and I stress the word seem, to have considerable common ground. My expertise is as a pilot I have 43 years of flying training from beginners to the training pilots to become trainers and examiners, applying the skills that I am about to describe.

    In Flight Guide

    In Flight Guide – £5 

     In Flight Guide – £5

    The Perfect Travelling Companion for You Carry Captain Keith’s calmness, confidence and control with you all the way “Relax” is the perfect pocket size guide to give you immediate support – when you need it most – with pages and pages of great tips for when you are packing, when you reach the airport and when you are on board your flight. Perhaps you’ve been on our course; maybe you’ve read our book. And now it’s time to put it all into practice. But we know that this is the time when you need us most.
    “Relax” is there, supporting you, even at times when you don’t have your book to hand or can’t turn on your audio player.“Relax” is structured so that you can get to the advice you need fast. From the moment you book your flight, “Relax” will be your perfect companion, talking about what you are experiencing and advising you on ways to be in the best possible shape for your flight.
    “Relax” covers it all – fear, panic attacks, facts and fiction, things to say, preparing at home, airports, sleep, on board, health, myths, relaxation, how planes fly, stress, etc.. We remind you about the simple things – the wings cannot fall off, the doors cannot be opened in flight – and we discuss the more complex issues in depth. Order your copy now and know that, wherever you are, you’ll always be able to “Relax”. - See more..

    Fly without Fear Book

    Fly without Fear Book – £14.99 

     Fly without Fear Book – £14.99

    Get all of Captain Keith’s lifetime of experience and advice in one updated volume Learning to fly without fear can be a “light bulb moment” for some, a longer journey for others. Whatever the nature of your fear of flying, having the right information, logically structured, cogently presented and expertly written, at your fingertips, can make all the difference.
    Now, Captain Keith Godfrey and Dr. Alison Smith have brought together their three volumes of information, experience, advice and help in one convenient, updated volume. It is there to reiterate and remind, to reassure and relax. - See more...

    4 CD Help Set

    4 CD Help Set – £24.99 

    4 CD Help Set – £24.99

    An experience of flying you will actually enjoy. Our unique four CD set includes all the sound effects of flight and a calming commentary with explanations that will make you laugh. Experience a take-off and landing. Find out exactly what you need to know at every moment in a flight. Enjoy hearing the answers to questions you hadn’t dared ask.
    Do you want to overcome your fear of flying? Hundreds of people have overcome theirs with this comprehensive four CD course, because it: Allows you to experience a virtual flight in a relaxed, enjoyable way Is comprehensive yet concise – every explanation covers exactly what you need to know, when you need to know it Includes sound effects, so you'll hear the wheels and flaps , you'll hear the engines starting and you'll even hear a commentary from the flight deck of a 737 as it is taking off Includes a great commentary that will have you smiling or even laughing, while answering the questions you haven’t dared ask Can easily be ripped to your mobile player, so that you can use while you’re flying Simply works – hundreds of people have overcome their fear of flying using this course - See more...

    Your Personal One to One Ground Course

    Your Personal One to One Ground Course – £225 

    Your Personal One to One Ground Course – £225

    Overcome your fear of flying, book a one to one fear of flying course today and take that vital first step. Personalised, piloted, pleasurable, practical and proven – our one to one fear of flying courses have helped hundreds of fearful flyers take to the skies with confidence.
     Facilitated by a very experienced and understanding airline pilot, and set near The Departure Lounge cafe, our aircraft cabin, our maximum of five-delegate-only courses feature maximum one to one attention and provides an enjoyable and relaxed atmosphere.
    Most of all, our one to one fear of flying courses work! What is your fear of flying stopping you from doing? Visiting family abroad? Taking that dream holiday? Perhaps even getting promotion at work? You have a world to gain, and nothing to lose. - See more...

    Fear of Flying Ground Courses

    Fear of Flying Ground Courses – £175 

    Fear of Flying Ground Courses – £175

    Overcome your fear of flying, book a fear of flying course today and take that vital first step. Personalised, piloted, pleasurable, practical and proven – our fear of flying courses have helped hundreds of fearful flyers take to the skies with confidence.
    Facilitated by a very experienced and understanding airline pilot, and set near The Departure Lounge cafe, our aircraft cabin, our maximum of five-delegate-only courses feature maximum one-to-one attention and provides an enjoyable and relaxed atmosphere.
    Most of all, our fear of flying courses work! - See more...